Top Mattress Tips

Your mattress may not be your most important possession, even though it might seem that way. Your mattress can have a significant impact on how you feel and in turn your entire life. Quality mattresses are a major investment that you will want to keep. You can get the best value for your money by learning how to clean and maintain a mattress.

If you don't clean your mattress regularly, your mattress could accumulate dirt, dust mites, dead skin and other harmful substances. It is important to regularly clean your mattress to prolong the life of your bed and to prevent allergies. Cleaning a mattress does not have to be complicated. Learn how to properly clean a mattress.

Recommended Method

Use Bedding

First, strip your bed completely and then wash the sheets and pillowcases. You can check the label of your pillows to find out if they can be machine washed. You should wash bedding in warm water to eliminate dust mites. However, it is important to follow recommended care instructions to prevent shrinkage or fade. To maintain your mattress clean, we recommend that you wash sheets every other week. Some of these methods also work for air mattress Airbnb.

Assess the damage

The best way of cleaning a mattress is determined by its level of dirt and stains. Routine mattress cleaning is different to the method used for removing stains or spillages. Check your mattress carefully for signs such as stains, discoloration or smells.

Gather Supplies

Gather the following materials to clean your mattress properly:

Cold water
Baking soda
T-shirts or Rags to Clean
Gentle, unscented, and bleach-free laundry detergent
Dish soap, or an enzyme cleaner

It's important to use soaps and other cleaning products sparingly on your mattress. Do not use harsh products that could cause damage to the mattress' delicate fabric. You should also remember that it is difficult to completely clean a mattress with detergents, so choose milder scents.

Vacuum Thoroughly

Clean the entire surface of your mattress with the upholstery attachment on your vacuum. You should vacuum the sides of the mattress to remove dust. Also, stretch the fabric to remove any debris from the seams.

Use to Clean Where It's Needed

Be sure to check for discolorations and stains. These areas should be cleaned with the following methods:

Clean a damp cloth with a tiny amount of cleaning liquid
Use the cloth to gently blot any stained areas.
Wash your cloth with cold water
Blot the stained area gently with the water-soaked cotton
Keep going, if necessary, till the stain is completely gone

This is where the main objective lies: Use as little cleaning solution possible and don't soak the mattress too much. Use a clean, dry rag to apply the cleaning solution.

The type of stain determines the best method to remove it. Commercial enzyme cleaners are the best for biological stains such as blood, sweat and urine. Mixing dish soap with water will produce foamy suds.

Some stains are more responsive to specific cleaning solutions than others. Common options include using a 1:1 mixture of hydrogen peroxide and cold water.

The method used should be the exact same regardless of what the solution is. You may have to try several solutions to get rid of the stain.

Apply Baking Soda

After you have removed all visible stains and allowed your mattress cover to dry, apply a thin layer o baking soda on the entire mattress. Baking soda absorbs moisture and neutralizes odors.

Simply leave the baking soda on your mattress for at minimum a few hours after it has been applied. Open your bedroom windows if possible to increase airflow.

Vacuum Thoroughly

After baking soda has sat on the mattress for a while, vacuum it with the upholstery attachment. If your mattress is very dirty, you might want to repeat steps 6 through 7, but it won't be necessary most of the time.

Flip It and Do It Again

Turn the mattress upside down and go through steps 4-7 again. While the mattress's underside is unlikely to have visible stains or mold, it could still be contaminated with dust, moisture, and other substances. The underside of your mattress may not be removable, so you will need to clean it.

It depends on the type of mattress and the severity of any stains or damage, so you might need to troubleshoot before cleaning your bed. It's easy to clean memory foam mattresses. Memory foam mattresses are not made to be wet so use as little as possible.

These are all great tips and buying the best mattress for a rental property will always have better durability. Even though the cost may be higher, in the end it will pay for itself.

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